Towong Community Bushfire Relief Fund – Round 1 Recipients

Border Trust recently completed an initial allocation of grant funding specifically targeted at the recovery and relief of the Towong Shire community impacted so heavily by the 2019/20 bushfires.

7 projects in Round 1 have received funding totalling $316,880. Covering everything from leadership development to restoration works, received up to $50,000 each, enabling various programs and works to be carried out in the region over the coming twelve months.

Even though more than two years has passed since the fires, these projects will contribute to the rejuvenation and wellbeing of the broader community. We look forward to telling some of the stories about how they have evolved and about the benefits we anticipate will be felt through the region on completion.

There is still much to be done in support of this community, so a second round of funding will commence in May.

Congratulations to the following organisations:

  • Alpine Valleys Community Leadership Program – $50,000, Disaster Recovery and Climate Change Adaptation Community Leadership Pogram
  • Community Business Connect – $50,000, Regional Connectivity for Recovery and Resilience
  • Corryong Football and Netball Club – $23,930, Netball Court Lighting
  • Corryong Neighbourhood House Inc. – $50,000 Rising to the Future
  • Corryong Neighbourhood House Inc. – $50,000, Room to Recover
  • Parklands Albury Wodonga Ltd – $42,950 for the Cudgewa Mural Trail
  • Parklands Albury Wodonga Ltd – $50,000 Towong Recovery Ranger Team


Recipient Updates:

Parklands Albury Wodonga Towong Recovery Ranger Program

This project commenced in June 2022 with two Recovery Rangers driving to the Upper Murray to assist landholders with environmental works every week since then.  The works are coordinated by the Upper Murray Landcare Network with the team collecting plants and other materials at Shelley en route to bushfire impacted sites.  When available, a few volunteers from Albury Wodonga have also participated, carpooling from a pre-arranged meeting place in Albury each Wednesday.

The rain and wet conditions have certainly made planning challenging.  The Recovery Team and landholders have adapted their plans, with materials being driven onto site in tractors or golfers where it is too wet to drive, and the team has been walking in.  Where wet weather is forecast on Wednesdays, the team have swapped days to accommodate the constant demand for this environmental services assistance.  Landholders always meet the Recovery Ranger team and have a good yarn.  Sometimes the landholder’s family will also join the Recovery Team to plant out gullies, river frontages and shelter belts.

Work on the High-Country Rail Trail has been paused due to the seemingly endless wet conditions.  The Recovery Team helped with site preparation for a community planting day on the bike Colac Colac to Corryong bike trail.

The Corryong Courier has printed a number of stories about this project.  An article on the Parklands Albury Wodonga website can be found at:

Disaster Recovery and Climate Change Adaptation community leadership program

Alpine Valleys Community Leadership Inc. (AVCL) will partner with Upper Murray Inc. (UMI) and Upper Murray CRC (UMCRC) to build community leadership capacity through a tailored program focused on developing community development leadership skills based on the principles of adaptive capacity. The outcome of the program is to enable current and future leaders to support the communities within the region in responding to disasters and other forces of change.

This will help the community be adaptable and able to collaborate further afield.

It will also enable the development of protocols, programs and projects that will enhance and strengthen the social, economic and environmental credentials of the communities and the region.

Our Grants Coordinator Michael Salter met with Dominic Sandilands to talk about the need for the program and what the first stage involves – See the full interview here

Room to Recover

The Corryong Neighbourhood Centre is intending to renovate its popular Upper Murray Youth Space to increase capacity and make the space more useable and enjoyable. This will be done by reconfiguring the space and providing external storage to protect CNC and community assets which are currently stored in the Youth Space and adding an outdoor deck/BBQ area. We anticipate that this renovation will be done in 4 stages . Each stage will provide significant improvements and benefits and is not dependant on the next stage to be successful.

Stage 1 of the project, which will be completely covered by this application, will be to remove the dividing wall between the kitchen and main area, install additional skylights into the main lounge area, reconfigure the kitchen space with additional cabinetry and facilities and provide an external storage container.

Our Grants Coordinator Michael Salter met with Adele Miles from the Corryong Neighbourhood Centre to discuss the project – See the full interview here

Cudgewa Mural Trail

The Cudgewa Mural Trail will be located along the 2.3km currently unformed rail trail from Cudgewa township to

Wabba Creek, with up to 10 murals designed and installed. The themes for stories along this mural trail are to be identified by interested Upper Murray locals who

become part of the Mural Trail Working Group (MRWG).

The mural trail is about giving the local community a voice through artwork and words, and reconnecting community to place, thereby creating a renewed sense of belonging.

Our Grants Coordinator Michael Salter met with Matt Spurgeon our local representative to give us an overview of the project and how it will benefit the region – See the full interview here