Join Give500 Collective Giving Campaign

Collective giving for a stronger Border Community
Give500 is Border Trust’s collective giving campaign, making philanthropy accessible and supporting life changing community programs across the Border region.

Give500 – HOW IT WORKS

Donors to the Give500 Campaign

Local community members, families, groups and businesses are invited to become a Give500 donor by donating $500 to the Give500 program. One $500 donation = One Vote.

Donated funds are pooled, with the size and value of the annual Give500 grant pool determined by the number of donations made.  Donations are open from mid-November to 30 June each year. Sixty per cent of funds raised are allocated to support community initiatives. The remaining forty per cent is held in a Give500 Named Sub-Fund to support foundation sustainability, additional charitable granting and build a perpetual fund for ongoing community benefit.
The Give500 Named Sub-Fund is a Sub-Fund within Border Trust. Donations are tax-deductible.  

With thanks to Albury Business Connect for their support and sponsorship of GIVE500

Applicants to the Give500 Grant Program

Border Trust invites grant applications from not-for-profit and community organisations for projects seeking to address areas of need in our local communities.

Give500 Collective Giving Grant Program is open from 1-31 July each year. Visit our Give500 Grant Page for more information on how to apply and on our Information Sessions.

Applications to the Give500 Grant are shortlisted to three outstanding projects by the Give500 Committee, with the successful grant recipients voted for by Give500 donors at the annual Pitch Night held in November.

Deciding the winning project

All donors are invited to attend the Give500 Pitch Night, where they’ll view a video from each finalist, listen to a short pitch from each of the three finalists about their project and then vote for their preferred project (one $500 donation = 1 vote).  The winner and runners up are announced on the night.  The winner receives the largest grant and a smaller amount is awarded to two runners up.

Pitch Night 2023

Congratulations to The Carevan Foundation, winners of Give500 2023 $18,000 grant!
Our congratulations also go to our runners up Tots2Teens Albury Wodonga and Our Native Garden Nursery !

Give500 2023 – The Carevan Foundation Pitch Video

Give500 2023 – Our Native Garden Nursery Pitch Video

Give500 2023 – Tots2Teens Albury Wodonga Pitch Video